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Timelapse of the turnkey construction of a 220kV Grid Station, and subsequent expansion of it (TP-Italy) SAET as a Key Player in the energy transition, provides turnkey solutions for high voltage connections. In this specific project SAET has energized the expansion of the grid station without suffering any interruptions in the service to the previous section of the grid station, with total respect of environment and highest level of Safety standard. Visit the page: Stay tuned!!! #YourEnergyPartner

Energy Storage Partner

#EnergyStoragePartner SAET builds electrochemical storage systems, whether standalone or associated to other plants (renewables, industrial, etc.). It operates as an EPC Contractor for the supply of turnkey systems or as a system integrator in collaboration […]

Grid Solutions Partner

#YourGridSolutionsPartner Consolidated experience, constant technological development, and reliability demonstrated over time, have made SAET a leading company in power generation, transmission and distribution systems and stations for Network Operators (TSO), Energy Producers/Distributors (DSO), Utilities, and […]

SS 220kV PV + Engineering

Timelapse of the turnkey construction of a 220/30KV 40-50MVA Substation for 50MWp PV Farm + PV Engineering (TP-Italy) SAET as a Key Player in the energy transition, provides turnkey solutions for high voltage connections. From […]

SS 220kV WF with PASS

Timelapse of the turnkey construction of a 220/30kV 40-50MVA Substation for Wind Farm (TP-Italy) SAET as a Key Player in the energy transition, provides turnkey solutions for high voltage connections. Thanks to its transversal, flexible […]

SS 220kV WF 29,4MW

Timelapse of the turnkey construction of a 220/30kV 31-35 MVA Substation for Wind Farm 29,4MW (TP-Italy) SAET as a Key Player in the energy transition, provides turnkey solutions for high voltage connections. From the Technical […]

Il tuo Energy Storage Made in Italy

Le realizzazioni SAET partano dal cuore dell’azienda, direttamente nel headquarter di SAET, a Padova: qui si procede dall’ingegneria fino alla customizzazione dell’impianto di Energy Storage.